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with Fitness Stuff (for normal people) Premium

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Soluble vs. insoluble fiber?

Once you've adjusted your diet to hit the recommended daily fiber intake, does the ratio of soluble to insoluble fiber matter?

Food sensitivity test?

I'm considering taking a food sensitivity test but I've been told they're inaccurate, is it worth trying? And what's the difference between a food sensitivity, intolerance, and allergy?

How long should workouts be?

After juggling work and family time, I only have about 30 minutes to workout, is that long enough to be effective if I'm trying to lose weight?

Lifting 2 days a week?

I’m planning on working on strength and balance over the next few months, but realistically 2 days a week at the gym is probably all I can fit into my schedule. Will this be enough to build muscle? I’m pretty much a newbie, I’ve only lifted sporadically

Joint Strength

I’ve noticed pain in my knees when doing leg curls and wrist pain when doing dumbbell curls. I end up using lighter weights or skipping these exercises altogether. Is there a way to strengthen these joints or should I just stop doing these exercises?

Body-weight workouts

Can you find a study that supports (or does not support) that you can build muscle with body weight workouts?

Warm up and cool down?

If I’m doing strength exercises/lifting, do I have to do a warm up and cool down? If so how long etc?

Muscle breakdown supplements?

Hi there love the podcast :) I am curious about the purpose of muscle breakdown supplements? Considering we hold on to muscle for 2-3 weeks of inactivity, why do muscle breakdown supplements exist?

Weight gain during menstrual phase

I gain 4-5 pounds each 4-6 days before my period starts—should I adjust my calorie deficit to be less during the weight gain?

Protein consumption

How much protein should someone really be consuming? You hear anything from .5 grams per pound of body weight to 1.5 grams. If you are consuming on the high end of that scale can it become bad for you long term, is there any negative heath consequence that could come up?

Lifting routine during calorie deficit.

You’ve said a goal in a deficit is to maintain existing muscle, and on the nutrition side that means keeping protein consumption high. But what does that look like on the training side? Should my strength stay the same? Not increase or decrease?


Hi team, love the pod! Wondering about the blood test partnership, do you think that’s a good idea for everyone? Do you do it? Where can I find the partnership?

Red light therapy for recovery before/after workouts?

Is there any validity to using red light therapy pre or post workout to help with recovery? Most notably, Planet Fitness has a machine they call "Total Body Enhancement" where you stand on a platform that shakes while being exposed to infrared light. The claim is that you will recover faster due to the red light. I believe there are also claims about the vibrations reducing cellulite. Is there any proof that this works?

Swimming for cardio and its impact on muscle gain?

What are your guys thoughts on swimming for cardio and its impact on muscle gain? I'm currently swimming x3 a week for an hour and then I do strength training x3 a week for an hour as well. I want to gain muscle but I really enjoy swimming and don't want to give that up. Plus I want to prioritize cardiovascular health as well. Just for some background but I am 6ft male at 210 lb. I'm taking about 130 grams of protein a day but I'm working on slowly incorporating more protein into my diet. Now, I tend to swim for an hour each time for around 3200 meters. I'm guessing that my MET is 10 while I swim, so that should be 800-1000 calories. Is that right? I definitely don't want to be in too high of a calorie deficit on my swim days. Thank you so much. You guys have such an amazing thing going with this podcast. It truly is life changing and a blessing. - Chad

Core / Ab Training - fads vs fact?

Hey guys, love the pod and I recommend you to everyone! I was wondering your thoughts on core training. Do you target ab muscles separately, or are you in the camp of "my full body lifts cover my core enough?" I've seen so many TikToks saying weighted/dynamic ab exercise will make you bulky, and isometric/bodyweight exercise tightens your core. Is there anything to this at all from either a functional or an aesthetics perspective? Finally- what are y'all's favorite core or ab exercises, if any? Thanks in advance :)

Advice for a picky eater?

Hi Marianna and Tony! So I’m a SUPER picky eater, and it’s causing a huge setback in my health and fitness goals. Veggies and fruits are my struggle point, and for the past several years I would be lucky to eat one serving of each in a week. But now I really want to expand my palate and work on my nutrition! I know I could start hiding veggies in pasta sauce or things like that, but I really want to learn to like (or even tolerate) fruits and veggies. Have either of you ever worked with clients who are picky eaters like this? How did you help them approach this problem? And what’s the best way to start learning to like these foods? Thank you for any advice you may have for me!

Digestive Enzymes

Looove the pod. Recommend to all of my friends! So, 5 years ago i fell prey to the click bate that pointed out celebs stay trim by taking digestive enzymes, in particular the supplements that include amylase, lipase, & bromelaim. I’m wondering what the truth is behind this and what will happen if i stop taking them? My normal diet is high in protein & veggies, and i take them with every meal. If i decide to stop taking them, i feel like i HAVE to at least take them when i eat out, since i know they usually arent using quality ingredients etc. —or basically when im choosing to eat bad. Please help! Would love an answer here or a possible podcast!!

Green tea

Is green tea really as good as people say and does it have an effect in stopping your body being able to absorb nutrients if consumed at the same time as a meal.

Kettlebells: Russian Hardstyle

In 2013 I was introduced to kettlebells, fell head over heals in love & eventually became certified as a KB Instructor through StrongFirst School of Strength. SF teaches Russian hardstyle kettlebell, distinctive from other KB styles, particularly seen in the KB Swing. We teach the swing as a 2 part movement, a hinge & a plank—simple & effective when done correctly. (There is no squat or unplacking of the shoulders, which causes the disengagment of the lats and hyperextention of the spine.) I cringe when I see someone using KBs in an unsafe way & cringe even more when I see it being taught incorrectly. I love the versatility of KBs & how, when programmed correctly, can help you reach any strength or crosstraining goal! I don’t have question persay, but would love an episode dedicated to my absolute favorite strength training tool! With the correct coach to learn the correct form, the sky is the limit! I have been so lucky to find a mentor and friend in Karen Smith, the 1st female Master Kettlebell Instructor in SF Leadership, who is open to direct questions/possible interview from yall if ever interested. Side note: In regard to the furture nutrient absorbtion episode, I would love if you could address phytates, something my mom, a Yongevity rep, has recently brought my awareness to. Thank you!! Much love & appreication.

Nutrition coaches: yay or nay?

Hey guys, me again! I see personal trainers everywhere, but very few nutrition coaches. Is there a reason for this? Is a nutrition certification a waste of time (outside of personal education) or not a respected certification? When does someone need a nutrition coach, and when should they see a dietician? I'd especially love your opinion on this, Marianna!

Continuous blood glucose monitors

Hey guys! I’ve been noticing a lot of people in social media lately wearing blood glucose monitors and tracking their blood sugar spikes after eating different foods. Some people claim that blood sugar spikes are bad and can lead to weight gain, or are a sign of insulin resistance, is this true? Is there any need for an average person to wear one of these monitors? Should I be worried about foods that spike my blood sugar from a health standpoint? Thanks!

Hip flexors: stretching, strengthening, and mobility?

What advice or routine would you point someone to if they have very tight hip flexors? I've really been struggling with my hips for a while, and it's impeding my squat at the bottom of the motion. I'm built like a corgi with a short/stocky frame, and my most comfortable squat posture (not super upright, wider stance) is more hip-dominant. Altering my squat position isn't very easy, as I have chondromalacia in my knees, and the above stance feels safest and most comfortable to me. I've tried warm ups and some stretches, but it doesn't seem to be helping much. How can I improve my hip mobility/tightness/strength? How many times a week would you do some sort of work for a problem muscle like this? Thanks again guys, I love being a pest in your inbox 🥳

Adjusting workout for pregnancy

My husband and I are trying to conceive. Do I need to adjust my workout at this point? If I do get pregnant, what do I need to consider in terms of fitness? I want to stay as active as possible.

How do you determine what exercises to do for a strength training program?

What exercises to do during a leg, pull, push day. What determines which exercise you use over a different one? Besides just having access to to different equipment.

Total body workout or switch each time?

I tend to work out every other day. Is it best to do a total body workout each time with a day of rest between? Or alternate upper/lower body with a day between? I care more about my lower body workouts and find when I do alternate, I want to do legs and glutes.

+ 911 more questions for subscribers