So I’m going to Lollapalooza next week for the first time and I remember an episode that Tony went to Lolla and other music festivals before. So I was curious how you stay hydrated and not become exhausted from all the walking/standing for long periods of time throughout these festivals? To be clear I’m only going for one day out of the four, which is Friday 😌, but it’s my first time going to one these and just worried how I’ll handle the heat and walking throughout the day. Background I’m pretty active throughout the week in general I get my 10,000 steps most days and workout 5x a week if that helps.
What is your experience on wearing the Oura ring while working out? Does it interfere with holding the bar or does it affect the grip? Can the ring get broken or heavily scratched? Do you also have experience with ball sports when wearing the ring? (In my case volleyball) Is the ring tight enough so that it doesn't fall of if you swing your arms too fast? Thanks a lot! :) Love your podcast!!
I was a little late to the party but I’m halfway through the PPL program you guys put out. A lot of the lifts have rep ranges already (6-8, 8-12, etc), should I be using the low or high end while utilizing RPE? Example: 6-8 single arm rows 8 RPE. Should my max reps be 8 or 10?
Does anyone know in what episode they have the extensive breakdown of omega 3? They’ve mentioned they did this breakdown in a previous episode, but for the life of me I cannot find it. Additionally, thoughts on the legion omega 3 being higher than the RDA? Thanks!
What are some podcast you all listen to? It is so hard for me to find podcast I love as much as you guys because within two minutes I can tell it is BS based on the things I have learned from you both. I need more motivating and inspiring podcast fitness related or just for mindset and growth and development .
Hi there, Got a question around progression and dumbbells - I try and progressively overload, including increasing reps and time under tension. However, my gym has limited dumbbells so the difference between one to the next is quite a lot (e.g. 15kg to 17.5kg) and I sometimes struggle to move up to the next weight on an exercise, even once I've applied some of the other progression techniques. Any tips for bridging the gap between these please?
When building a PPL routine and aiming for 8-20 sets per muscle group, do you recommend counting sub-muscles/muscle parts in order to effectively cover all equally. i.e. when building a push day, do you count exercises towards just the chest shoulders and triceps, or do you count them towards the upper chest, lower chest, front delt, side delt, rear delt, plus each tricep head? Long story short, how detailed do I need to go in order to effectively build the routine?
I know you guys love Legion, and I do plan to try it out. However, have you seen the cost? Yikes. I currently use Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey, 5lbs for $75. I'm sure Legion's worth the cost, but Legion is outside my budget right now in terms of quantity for the cost. Can you suggest a good protein that is more affordable?
How much protein should someone really be consuming? You hear anything from .5 grams per pound of body weight to 1.5 grams. If you are consuming on the high end of that scale can it become bad for you long term, is there any negative heath consequence that could come up?