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Your Full Body Training Program / Flex Day Add-Ons / Deload

Hey Tony and Marianna! Thanks for all the amazing content! I am starting your full-body program today, and I am excited. In the Google sheet, it says, "Add-Ons = Make sure to watch this video on how to use add-ons," but there is no link to a video. Am I missing something? I am also wondering why the deload is in week 7 instead of week 6. Block 2 starts in week 6 and has different exercises. The way I typically train is to take a deload week whenever I start a new set of exercises in my rotation. I also tend to need a deload after 5-6 weeks. Would it be okay to deload in week 6 instead of week 7? Also just curious to learn why you placed the deload in week 7 (I am starting this program cause I'm eager to learn more about different programming by different trainers). Additionally, I just wanted to point out that there are "SS Front Leg Swings" in the daily warm-ups, but the attached video is for side leg swings. :) Thanks a bunch!! Judith (@theanxiousgymgirl)

Perimenopause and weight gain

I'm a female in my mid-40s and in the *thick* of perimenopause. I've been struggling for a few years to lose those last 5-10 pounds of pregnancy weight (I was 39 when my child was born), and it only seems to be getting harder. I know that you lose muscle as you age, but is there also a hormonal aspect for women? I've been training for about a year and I've made strength progress, but the fat (especially belly fat) is SO much more stubborn than when I was in my 30s. I've started tracking my calories/protein/fiber but even with eating in what online calculators say is a deficit, not much changes. Is my TDEE just plummeting along with my estrogen?

Set Point Weight Theory

What do you think about set point weight theory?

Creatine and Kids

Do you suggest creatine for kids? Mine are 7 and 9 years old.


Hello! I am a new subscriber to premium and am excited for the training programs! I had breast aug surgery beginning of March and do not want to train chest until probably @ least a year out so I am wondering which program will be the best to start with? Also, when it comes to chest exercises, what do you recommend? Another push exercise in its place? Thanks for your time!