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How much of an effect does peri menopause and menopause have on fat loss/muscle growth?

Oura Ring

Hi there - I'm having a similar issue with the Oura ring discount - can you provide another link please? The site doesn't have a place for a code, just a gift card w/ pin

Nutrition related fields

Hi there! I’ve always been so interested in the fitness and nutrition field and I want to find a meaningful/engaging career path in relation to them to pursue. I have my CPT and nutrition cert and am planning to get my RD but I would be interested in knowing what other ways I can apply my interest and passion in different areas of this field. I would also be interested in hearing Marianna’s experience as being an RD Thank you :)

Adapting when life gets busy

TL;DR Recommendations for temporarily adapting nutrition, workouts and daily steps for a month when you're busy and energy is focussed elsewhere. --- I've worked out for years, but the past year I've focussed on progressive overload and tracking and lost 20kgs/45lbs and I'm a healthy weight and body fat % 😊 I'm in the final month of my Masters in counselling and therapy (I have uni 1 day, work 1 day and placement 1 day a week, rest of the week for dissertation), so very busy atm. I planned to be in a deficit a few more months. I want to keep my 3 gym sessions and 1 run a week through this time for my mental health and routine/structure. I deload every 4/5 weeks and hit 10k steps a day. I want to balance feeling fueled for work and going easy on myself in a stressful time. I'm considering for the next 4 weeks: - start working up to maintenance cals now (don't know what my new maintenance will be) - have the same workout routine, but reduce weight and/or sets in my workouts - reduce to 6-7k steps a day Then I can readdress mid July after I've submitted and had a holiday. Any research or advice on any of this? PS thank you so much for how you've changed my life already ♥️

End of 12 weeks

I’ve been doing the 12 uweek glute and love having a program to focus on and push me. When the 12 weeks are up should we start it again or pick a new one