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with Fitness Stuff (for normal people) Premium

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Staying fit post rotator cuff surgery

Hi - I love what you guys do I am 48 years old & dedicated to 2024 being my year. I have lost 30-plus pounds & am in the best shape of my life; I went in yesterday to have some shoulder spurs removed & came out with complete rotator cuff surgery. Now, I go from 1 day in a sling & 6 weeks of recovery to min 1 month in a sling & 5 months to full recovery. I don't want to fall back into bad habits & keep my momentum. What advice do you have to maintain as much of my progress as possible? Thank you in advance. PS - your podcast keeps me focused on improving every week.

DEXA, hydrostatic, traditional scale, calipers...

...There are so many ways to measure body fat, lean mass, bone density, and more. As a well-versed individual myself, I'd love to hear your takes on which method is more useful. For example, DEXA sounds most useful (and is what I use), but its software uses models to estimate fat mass and, depending on glycogen levels, can give different lean mass results. So...what say you on breakdowns?

Total volume vs. program

How should I think about progress overload in relation to sets/reps/weight vs. total volume. My mindset is that each exercise should have a little more total volume then the last and I do this however possible, usually adding a rep or two. But this is getting harder to recover from with an upper/lower split. Thank you!.

Mobility training would you recommend for recurring tennis elbow? I have been doing your shoulder program and adding in farmers carry to strengthen my shoulders and grip, but i always have pain after upper body days.

Hello! I am working through your glutes program, but having trouble with upper body days. What kind of mobility training would you recommend for recurring tennis elbow? I have been doing your shoulder program and adding in farmers carry to strengthen my shoulders and grip, but i always have pain after upper body days.

REPS vs RPE in programs

I recently just purchased premium and am looking into the programs. I'm not fully understanding the difference between REPS and RPE in them. There is reference to a video however the link is not embedded in the google sheet. Could you please explain the difference or link the video? Thank you!