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Weighted Vest for Walking

What are your thoughts on weighted vest? I came across some post stating that they are great for walking and in women over 40 can help with bone density. Is there evidence on this? What are the benefits for it? I did some research and it seems to be a good tool to add.

Dumbell weights at gyms

Do dumbells weight differently depending on the brand or is it just me? I've gone to different gyms and 90 lb dumbbells weigh different to me.


I’ve heard you talk about deload weeks, months, etc. Could you go over that more please? Thanks!

Caffeine on an empty stomach

Is caffeine on an empty stomach ok or a no? I’ve heard mixed info. Thanks!

Can you explain periodization?

Can you talk some about periodization? Specifically, I'm wondering about how to handle training for different sports / activities over the course of a year. If, for example, I focus on strength training in the winter, rowing in spring and summer, and running in autumn, for example, how do I maintain my strength gains while I'm focusing primarily on the other two? Is it just a matter of continuing to do all three throughout the year but varying the intensities for each? Or am I completely misunderstanding the whole periodization concept?