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Getting Enough Protein as Vegetarian

Hi all, So recently I’ve been really focusing more on tracking food and getting high protein while staying in my macros and it’s been showing positive progress. I’ve been helping my girlfriend train to cut and increase her protein intake as well, the only hard part is she is vegetarian, and not by choice, but more so medically as meat makes her very sick. She’s also allergic to avocado and eggs. She will have Just Egg and beyond/impossible meats, but what other options does she have to hit her protein goals? Thanks for the help! -Dylan

What’s going on?

Hello, my name is Jorge, and I’m having an issue. No matter what I do when I click on the link for the WATCH FIRST video in the training programs, I always get the YouTube link for the PPL SPLIT. Can you help me out, please? Thank you 🙏🏼 You guys are awesome 💪🏼

Glute Program Day 5

In the day 5 of the glute program there are two of the same exercise. The "banded barbell hip thrust" with two separate sets/reps listed. I wondered if this was intentional or there was supposed to be two different exercises here?

Should I be taking colostrum?

I’ve seen a number of videos lately about colostrum, and how it helps your gut. Is that something that is good to take?

Full Body Split - Low Frequency

Hello! First of all, thank you for all you do and provide. My name is Brendan and I had a question before starting the Full Body program. I see that the program is scheduled so you are training 5 days/week. I'm a beginner getting back into lifting and think that may be a little bit aggressive to start. Do you have any recommendations to make this a low-frequency plan? Meaning you train 3-4 days/week. Should I just complete Days 1-3 in the first week and then move Days 4 and 5 to the second week and continue doing that all 12 weeks? Thanks in advance!