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Core Power High Protein Shake- Thoughts?

I travel a ton for work and have had a lot of early days and have started to have that along with some cold brew as my breakfast when traveling. The last two weeks or so I’ve been having these daily as a way to be better with macros as well as get higher protein (and the taste is incredible) Is it okay to do this long term or something I should do once in awhile? Would love any input, thanks!

Mid set rest. Is that cheating?

Hello! Love the podcast. so, I do have a weaker grip strength that I'm working on. However, when I deadlift, I tend to need to readjust my grip during my second and third sets after my 4th or 5th rep. I can complete my first set fine. Is this cheating? Would this hurt and hypertrophy or strength gains?

Muscle in balance

HELP! I just completed your 12 week glute program and loved it. Just decided to start it over again actually. Im not new to muscle in balances, and have made trips to the chiro on occasion but not recently. I noticed one quad was looking pretty muscular especially in relation to the other. But thought it was just in my head. Decided to measure and in fact, she is a 1/2 in larger than the other quad. A chiropractor trip is in fact on the docket but I’m looking for advice in how to fix/ prevent for future. Focus more on single leg exercises? Few extra reps on the weaker leg? Orrrr is amputation my best bet?

Protein shakes tips for hot girls with tummy aches

Hi! Funny title aside, love you guys and love the podcast, apologies if this was answered already. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to be able to add a protein shake into my diet for times when I’m in a pinch and want to hit my protein while staying in my calorie range. FOR THE LIFE OF ME I haven’t been able to find a single protein shake that doesn’t make me feel like STEAMING HOT GARBAGE. I’ve tried plant protein, I’ve tried whey protein, I've tried whey isolate protein, ultra filtered? You name it I’ve given it a shot. I currently only get my protein from whole food sources as a result, but some days you just could really use a protein shake to fall back on as a plan b. Can you please give any recommendations you may have for protein supplements for people who are really sensitive to them?? (P.S. I don’t even normally have a sensitive stomach or any allergies or celiac/lactose intolerance either, just weirdly specifically protein shake intolerance???) Please help! <3

Organic Foods

I have been listening for awhile (and recently joined Premium to support all you guys are doing for "the regular guy". My question is about organic fruits. You talk often about organic foods not being as great as they are touted, but what about fruits? I have often heard that if you can only buy some stuff organic it should be the smaller fruit that you eat the flesh (ie: berries) since the chemicals are more condensed. Is this inaccurate? Would love to save $$ and just buy regular fruit! Thanks