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Low protein and muscle building??

I had been doing macros and lifting for 18 months or so when my renal doctor (I have one kidney) put me on a low protein diet a few months ago. I went from protein of 130 to 80, and it sucks, I continue to lift but dont push myself because of discouragement and feeling like it is useless on the low protein diet. Is it possible to build at 80 mg protein? Currently I am doing 80 protein/70 fats/180 carbs for 1720ish calories although I really don't pay as much attention to the carb/fat balance just calories and protein. I am also 60 so my goal is really strength for my "golden years" and to keep up with the grandkids. I realize this is a very individualized question and may not get answered, but wanted to really know if I am wasting my time lifting still (for what its worth, I mostly lift. I hate cardio so only do it once a week . I do have step goals I try to hit) THANK YOU

Weight Vest Link

Sooo here is a link I want to know whether is true or not! I asked the question and I am truly curious. I no longer believe everything I see on social media and do so much research on whatever topic mainly thanks to what you both have taught us. But here is one link on weighted vest and “it’s benefits” what’s your take on this?

Bala Bangles

Thoughts on the new Tiktok trend of wearing bala bangles on your wrists during your day-to-day activities to "tone" the arms? Seems a bit silly, but wanted your guys' thoughts

Anti inflammatory diet healing injuries

Hello! During the pandemic, I like many people fell into the chloe ting workout black hole, and listening to Monday’s podcast I remembered there was an influencer named Lilly Sabri who was relatively big during the same time. Aside from the classic Covid at home baby weights workouts, I remember her touting how she healed an ACL tear with an “anti inflammatory diet” and sold multiple cookbooks with recipes and ingredients that if you used you could allegedly do the same. I’m assuming that’s a load of BS, but I was curious if there’s any legitimacy to a Mediterranean ish diet working wonders like that. Thanks gang!

Back Twinge with Hinging/Deadlift Exercises

Hi guys! I started taking training seriously in October 2023, and over the past few months I've been feeling twinges in my low back (definitely the QL muscle) when I do any kind of hinging/deadlifting (hexbar deadlifts, block deadlifts with the bar, B-stance RDLs, kettlebell deadlifts, etc). Its usually felt on the first rep, and then I don't tend to feel it all, but my QL muscle will get tight and I have to spend a lot of extra time to stretch it out afterwards. Im unsure as to how I should change my programming to address this - I don't know what I need, and I've also read that these kinds of signs can turn into bigger injuries down the road, and Im absolutely terrified of disc injuries for my back. Hoping to get insight from people who have been training much longer!