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Calculating calories as a short person

It seems every calories calculator gives people under 5’2 ridiculously low calories. It’s either in the 1200s or lower, yet we are told that this number is far too low to be healthy. So how should we go about it ?

Low ROM high weight

What's up? I am experimenting with squats with very low ROM (maybe 1/6 squat) and heavy weight, as it mimicks certain situations in Rugby. Is there something to this or am I wasting my time?

Over Training

What is considered overtraining lifting? I can currently doing a six day PPL split. Is this too much? Does less training = more gains?

What is NMN supplement?

Seeing alot of adverts for NMN supplements, what is it, does it actually work? People seeming to say it's made a huge difference for them...

Tips for fixing muscle imbalances?

I've been in and out of PT a few times the last couple years for knee pain, I do my exercises pretty often (more hip strengthening moves), but even when I do this, can't seem to wake up my glute max or vmos because my quads/lower back take over, hence the knee pain. Do you have advice on how to exercise when you have muscle imbalances like this so you can even them out to actually activate the muscles when they need to be activated?