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Push Up Program

Hello! I’m currently training for a fitness test for my dream job. Any tips, exercises, programs that can help build my push up endurance?

Fitness over 40

First, yall are killing it! My favorite fitness podcast by far out there! So, I’m in my early 40’s (6’2” and 223lb former college athlete) and trying to get in this best shape I can, both aesthetically and health marker wise. To add to my age, we just had our first child, Poppy, in December so sleep has not been the best it can over the last 7 months and I’ve just been feeling run down. Have been Using your full body program and am pretty consistent with it. Guess my question is outside of a full blood panel, is there any other things I should be concentrating on to reach my goals? Diet is pretty on point for the most part; I do get 180g protein and 30ish grams of fiber daily but am not counting calories so to speak Just took a 2 week vacation so I have recharged some Hope that makes sense!

Doublé Method?? Validity of Exercise Article?? So I was scrolling through my newsfeed on my phone and I get some exercise related articles and this one just peaked my interest to read. I’m just curious on what your thoughts on this method and if there is any scientific evidence behind this Doublé method? Or is there any validity on these workout articles or outlets that create these articles? If so what news sources do you guys recommend and look out for when researching?

First Music Festival

So I’m going to Lollapalooza next week for the first time and I remember an episode that Tony went to Lolla and other music festivals before. So I was curious how you stay hydrated and not become exhausted from all the walking/standing for long periods of time throughout these festivals? To be clear I’m only going for one day out of the four, which is Friday 😌, but it’s my first time going to one these and just worried how I’ll handle the heat and walking throughout the day. Background I’m pretty active throughout the week in general I get my 10,000 steps most days and workout 5x a week if that helps.

I’m easing back into the gym after pretty much 13 months away due to a back injury that made any type of working out (even walking). Prior to this injury, I’d been a gymnast and dancer and spent several years weight training. I’ve heard you say that it takes about 8 weeks to see a difference (I think) but I was wondering if you see differences any faster if you’ve previously HAD significant muscle because I think(??) that it’s easier to rebuild muscle than build it for the first time. I hope this makes sense!