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Incorporating Pilates

What's the best way to incorporate Pilates into a strength training routine? How many times per week/how long should sessions be? Specifically for benefits like improving overall core strength/spinal health?

Is balancing your hormones a real thing?

Something I'm seeing alot on social media recently is influencers 'balancing their hormones', is this legit/ if so how is it done?

Breath work/ Meditation

Do either if you have an app or youtube page that you like for guided breath work and meditations for someone that is just starting these practices?

BCAA and Endurance Training

I’ve listened to your pods about BCAA’s so trying not to repeat a question. I’ve seen pros and cons about taking BCAA’s during extended endurance training. I’m training for the bike leg of a full Ironman race and have training rides ranging from 5-7hrs long, race day my leg will be 116 miles. In these instances would BCAA’s be beneficial while training on the bike? Curious if there’s studies to support it? Thanks for all of the info. Side note I miss your study breakdowns from the early days. Long time listener, first time asking a question. Thanks for all your help and all you do! Love the pod!

Pausing metabolic adaptation recovery, yay or nay?

I am a bikini competitor and had been restricting A LOT post show. I lived around 2 years eating 1100/1200 cals (no period, no libido, no nothing). 9 weeks ago I began reverse dieting to get my life and health back and now I am sitting around 1700 cals but I am gaining SO MUCH FAT. I know its important to keep going but at the same time I want to do a mini cut because I dont like how i look/feel. If I cut back a bit, will it ruin my progress? When should my body catch up to the increased amount of carbs?