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Fat loss/muscle gain timelines

Hey guys! There's something i'd love to hear your thoughts on: I started to working towards body recomp about 5 months ago, I'm eating 100 cals above maintenance, tracking everyday, lifting very close to failure 3 times per week (full body program) and adding two cardio sessions per week (intervals or sports). I've been noticing that my clothes feel a bit looser and my muscles look more defined around my quads and shoulders, also most lifts are moving up buuuut i've gained 3 pounds in 5 months. Is it possible that those 3 pounds are just muscle and i'm just building muscle faster than im losing fat? or is it maybe that the 100 cals above maintenance are not really 100 cals and my calorie targets are off?? How do i make the fat fat loss process catch up to the rate of building muscle if that is the case? I do want to recomp and build muscle but my priority is to lose fat and get in better shape overall. For context - i've been lifting on and off for 3 years but this is the most consistent I've ever been, i am 25 years old, 5'3 and now 182 lbs Thanks youuuu you are the best!

Eating before or after work out

I usually wake up and go to the gym. My schedule doesn’t allow for me to eat 2-3 hours before this workout; more like 15-20 minuses. When I’m done I can eat a good meal. If your not hungry before your work out is it important to fuel before a work out or after?

Yoga/Strength training

I am currently in yoga teacher training which consists of three hot/intense yoga sessions a week. How much/how many days should i be strength training? I’m not necessarily looking to gain muscle, but looking to maintain what i have without over training.

make a shorter workout

I'm working out with my teen before school. I'm finding it impossible to get all the exercises from the PPL in to 50 minutes. Either I'm doing something wrong, or I need some guidance as to which exercises to cut out.

Working out while sick

What is your take on workout out while sick? Should you still do something? Treat it like a deload week perhaps? Or just take off completely in hopes you recover quicker? I have a sinus/sore throat thing going on currently. Thank you!!