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Lifting belt

If I'm squatting more than my body weight should I be looking into using a lifting belt or are they even necessary if I'm squatting the weight comfortably?

Upper/Lower Split

I just finished your full body workout split and I loved it! I’m going to start the upper/lower split and was wondering if I could do all 6 workouts over 1.5 weeks to lengthen the program from 12 weeks to 18 weeks? I currently do 4 weight training days per week and liked all 6 of the workout options (I didn’t want to pick 4 of the 6). Thoughts?

Fasted lifting for fat loss?

I’m currently at 415lbs, having lost a total of 240 and aiming to lose another 140ish pounds. I lift weights (full body) four days a week, and typically get 12-15k steps in a day. I always eat some sort of carb source/fruit before and during my 4-5 mile hikes, but almost always lift weights when I’m fasted. I don’t seem particularly fatigued when lifting. What’s the best strategy as I continue to lose fat and retain/gain muscle? Should I start eating before my lifts, rather than immediately after?

How much muscle do you actually gain?

Hello! So, I recently read that when you are finished your muscle building phase, 50% of that weight is muscle and when you go into a cut, you lose 35% of that muscle you gained and only keep 15% of the muscle.. is there any truth to this? I feel like this would just be glycogen from the cut. Thank you

How to effectively incorporate pauses into your lifts?

In your latest episode you talked about adding pauses into your lifts to make them more effective rather than just adding weight. How do you add this into your work out for specific moves, days, for how long, etc.