Ask Me Anything

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How do you prepare to do a podcast episode? Where do you go to find data and studies for your content?

Hello! You've mentioned that you take quite a bit of time to prep for your episodes and you look at the data. And I love that about all your episodes. Can you share your process for preparing these episodes and what it means when you look at data and studies? Where do you go? How long does this take?

Help with days planned for eating out!

Hello! My biggest plateau/ hurdle have been from scheduled days I have for eating out with friends and family. (I'm tracking calories, consistently working out, and have been loosing weight, but I feel like dinners out set me back and I have a bit of anxiety the day of eating out, that I don't want to have!) On the days I have a scheduled dinner, I am always confused about what to eat. For example, if my goal is to stick to 2000, and I estimate maybe a dinner out is 1500 calories, but then that leaves me with only 500 calories to play with until dinner time, that's not sustainable if the dinner's at like 7:30pm. I'm not sure even about tracking on days I eat out, as I know the dinner I won't be able accurately track the meal I had out. I know there is a feeling that I should track everything, but it's highly demotivating when I know I'm about to have an unknown calorie count at dinner. A thought I had recently was to just go ham on protein the day of eating out, or just treat the day as usual and track, but any additional thoughts/ advice would be amazing.

Merch Update?

As we approach the fall weather, can't help but wonder when the oversized FSPod Sweatshirts are dropping. :)

Perfecting My Form

From the latest progressive overload episode, I realized my need to check my ego and go back to the form basics. I find myself in a cycle of reaching working weights for progressive overload, pulling a muscle, and then taking off a month or two before trying again. How would you suggest I modify my training to tighten up my form? Few notes for help in answering the question: I do a full-body workout split with 3-4 heavy sets in the 6 - 10 rep range per week and try to use progressive overload through reps and weight. I do at least 3 warmup sets at 135, 225, 275. Most recently I pulled a muscle in my low back doing a deadlift for 275 on my 3rd set. Diet, sleep, rest are typically all at a 4/5.