I keep hearing/seeing things about Peptides on social media. Most of them just seem to have a lot of numbers/letters in the name so it's hard to remember specific ones 😅 a lot of them talk about helping with fat loss/ muscle gain. Is there any truth behind peptides like these? Where do you even get them if they're worth it. Thanks, you guys are the best!
I have been doing PPL for some time, and I usually just do warm up sets at the beginning of my workout. For example, I'll do 3 warm up sets of a bench press and increase the weight each time. Should I continue this or is the warm ups that you all provide in the PPL Google sheet better?
Hi! I have been in a rut the last couple of months and am looking for ways to 1. Get out of it and 2. Maintain muscle during this time. Is there a bare minimum I should be doing? For some background, I have been weight training for about 7 years but for the last couple of months I've been doing lagree once a week, tennis 1-2 times a week, and try to get random weight lifting about 3 times a week