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Struggle on recommended cals when tracking always starving

I’m 44 and currently attempting to lose 2-3 kgs. But I struggle on the recommended 1400 cals and lower that my app suggests. I use your lifting program 3 days a week and do 1 cardio session plus 1 CrossFit and take 2 days off. How can I meet my cal goal Without being starving all the time? I think being in perimenopause doesn’t help maybe? I’m on ALL the HRT 🤣 I eat well, don’t skip carbs and hit my protein goals. But I’m not moving from 65kg and it’s driving me Crazy! Any tips please ?

Strength and hypertrophy? Both?

So I feel like there are so many contradictions for what builds muscle mass, what builds strength, and whether you can build both at the same time or not. The latest I’ve heard is strength is gained through isometric and holds, whereas hypertrophy is gained through controlled eccentric moves. And somehow I can’t build both, I need to focus on one, then focus on another, bouncing back and forth. Is this true? Is it just different for everyone? What’s the deal? Haha

Ninja Creami

Do either of you have a Ninja Creami?? If so, do you have a go to recipe?

Vitamin B12

What is the role of Vitamin B12 in the body? I noticed that tracking for many weeks, I am short in this vitamin. Is this worth supplementing?

Supplement Red Flags

I just saw Tony’s video on Instagram regarding Harvard’s study of supplement labels. What are the red flags to lookout for? Are there popular brands that were exposed through the study?