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Can I do full body workouts back-to-back days?

Or do I need a buffer day to rest?

Super high heart rate

My resting heart rate is fairly normal (in the 60s). But the second I do anything (even a casual walk), it jumps to over 100. When I do strenuous work, it gets close to 200. Are there ways to bring this down? Does it matter that it’s so high (in terms of performance)? My doctor doesn’t seem to be concerned from a medical standpoint.

Endless rope pull

Is this endless rope pull a good choice for back development on top of cardio

Lose fat and add muscle, order?

If I’d like to lose fat and gain muscle, is it beneficial to do those things in a certain order? Is it easier to lose fat then gain muscle? Or the other way?

Gym Gear

I know you all tend toward the less is more side of things, but is there a list of a few things that you definitely recommend for beginners as far as gear? What are the things you think are useful vs necessary?