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Follow up on sleep…

My issue is waking up several times to use the bathroom. Use to be like three times during the night. I got it down to two sometimes once by trying not to drink any water pass 7:00pm bed time is 10:30-6:30am I feel so tired 🥱 and I don’t get a good night sleep because I have to get up at night and sometimes falling back to sleep is hard. For reference 44 years old, very active at the gym personal trainer and group X instructor for dance.


What's your thoughts on krealkalyn compared to monohydrate? It's still relatively cheap in the overall picture of supplements so price really isn't an issue but is it better, worse or the same as taking monohydrate?

What role does estrogen play?

There is a ton of misinformation and a lack of good, trustworthy information about "hormone imbalances" that occur normally in females during later life stages. In this case, I'm specifically talking about peri-menopause/menopause when estrogen in the body fluctuates. There are a ton of influencers (Goop) selling their own supplement protocols, 'experts' touting "hormone resets" or "hormone diets" (Dr Sara Gottfried), or worse yet, awful scammers (Vshred) claiming their fitness program will help females in this life stage with massive weight loss. I'm curious about understanding the role estrogen plays in losing fat and muscle growth and don't know where to begin. - When females have fluctuating estrogen, what challenges might there be in losing fat and/or gaining muscle? - Of the information you've shared about supplements, nutrition, blood testing, and type of exercise - what would add or edit to that?

Oura's Daytime Stress Monitor

Hey Tony! What do you think about Oura's new daytime stress monitoring feature?

A1 vs A2 beta-casein?

Hi! I was recently reading "This is Your Brain on Food" by Uma Naidoo, MD and saw that there are two main types of casein found in dairy- A1 and A2 (read on p. 105). Basically it was saying that A1 casein protein showed more negative effects (especially for ADHDers like me) compared to A2 casein protein. My question is: What is the difference between the two types of casein proteins? Is there a significant benefit of one over the other and how difficult is it to find while grocery shopping? Until this book, I had never heard of types of casein. For context, I do have ADHD. Thanks! I'm so excited to finally be a premium member!