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If you routinely drink pre-work out, could its affects not impact you as significantly as time progresses?

Deadlifting with a gut?

Hi Marianna and Tony! As a heavy person, I have a sizeable gut, I'm 6'2" and 390lbs. I struggle to bend over and do a proper deadlift without my gut getting in the way and causing my back to round. Should I widen my stance, or substitute with sumo or trap bar deadlifts? Would they give me comparable stimulus as opposed to conventional?

When to deadlift on PPL

If I run a 6 day PPL split, where would deadlifts fall without impeding any other day? If I do them on the second leg day, would having pull the day before not get in the way of progress?

Snowed in

A snowstorm has gone through where I live. The gym I go to is closed and it's so cold. I don't want to trudge outside in -2-degree weather to get my steps in. This got me thinking. Is it ok for some days to only get a thousand or so steps? What can I do to stay a bit active when stuck in the snow or in any bad weather?

Maintaining muscle or losing fat with an injury?

Hi! I'm currently dealing with a low back/glute injury that has put me entirely out of the gym (I've had a spinal fusion and my low back can also be easily irritated because of it which is definitely making recovery slower). It happened in June and I went from walking 8,000+ steps a day and strength training 4-5x per week to an incredibly sedentary lifestyle. I've been in PT for several months and while things are slowly improving, my PT has told me it'll probably be another 6 weeks before he wants me to start weight training again. I've lost so much muscle and am trying to make the best nutrition choices possible but I'm wondering if there's anything I can be doing better to maintain what I have left? Or anything I can be doing to improve my fitness at all aside from trying to walk as much as I can? I know it's gonna be some serious body recomp when I can finally go back to the gym lol