As a type 2 diabetic, is there any food suggestions to keep sugars relatively low or help out the mitochondria. Also how to avoid sugars? Like i genuinely liked to know. Besides sweets. I’m thinking like black rice and black beans for carbs but also would like some more suggestions. To keep the lifestyle going.
On this week's episode you talked about the importance of consistency for training and if you change up the workouts too much you see less progress. Does this apply to muscle groups or specific exercises? Example: the full body program has the same exercises week to week for each day. I get SO bored doing things this way, so week to week I tend to swap out hamstring curls for RDLs, single leg squats or curtsey lunges for glutes, etc. I generally leave the compound movements (squats, deadlifts, bench press) the same. Will this hurt my progress?