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Adding Tempo into Training

Hey guys! You mentioned adding tempo workouts as part of a training program in your last episode, and I was wondering if you could break that down a bit. For example, what exercises are best for using tempo, how many seconds should we be aiming for, sets per week, etc. Thanks!

Single momma tryna make gains

I need some help, yall. I'm a single mom to a 3 yr toddler boy. Weekday trips to the gym just don't happen. I want to run the glute focused program but am stumped on best I could modify to home setup. All I have is a half-rack, Bench, Olympic bbell, 240lbs of plates. I can squat from the half rack. I don't have dumbbells just the iron plates. Can yall help me figure out what to pull from exercise selection wise each day? The time I typically have is anywhere from 930pm-1030pm. I wake up @ 515am to get myself ready, lunches packed, & youngin ready. I'm 32 yrs old (33 in july) with bodyfat to lose. I'd say I'm about 25-28% body fat at 150 lbs. I really enjoy how relatable you make this shit, thank you for your content. Oh, 95% whole foods. My son has FPIES (Food Protien Induced Entercolitis Syndrome) & is allergic to egg, oats, and rice, so forreal whole foods based since most store bought, packaged foods have 1 outta 3 of those ingredients.

Full Body Program Question

New member here. I had a question on the Full Body Program. I noticed there aren't any calf exercises. Is there a reason for that?

Quick recommendation for future programs

Would love to see a bare bones type couple workouts, or even a full program. Something that could be used at a hotel gym, or when you're trying to keep workouts in while travelling. Thanks!

Stay on Track!

I recently lost 20lbs and could stand to lose a bit more since I have 30% body fat but is not critical. My concern is in order to do so I'll have to significantly cut my calories and I dont think I can continue with my training as it is currently with less calories. Any suggestions? Secondly I am struggling with adding more weight to my chest presses, assisted pull ups and biceps curls. I need help with upper body without stressing my traps because I have issues with them and super tight neck muscles so when I add weight that is where I feel it. I also have to be careful with overhead exercises. I appreciate your feedback.