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hip thrust and bands

Is having a band around your thighs a benefit in doing hip thrust machine?

deficit reverse lunges

Doing the 12 wk Glute program, Deficit reverse lunges are tough on my knees are there any substitutions for that exercise?

Triphasic Training (by Cal Dietz)

Hehe you heard about it? What's your take on it?

Working out sick. Or recovery?

Hello! I absolutely LOVE you guys! I listen to your podcast while I'm walking, shopping or at work. Best part of my day. So, I suffer from a lot of sinus infections. My head is super stuffed and I suffer from constant headaches. The months it's really bad I do have difficulty getting my workouts in. Is this something I should push through? Or just go to maintenance calories for a week or two? I'd love for you guys to do an episode on how to deal with working out and being sick. It's definitely something I struggle with. Thank you. Much ❤️

Single arm cable row

I was doing single arm cable rows, left side so my right leg was "up". My right hip started to have pain/cramp during the excersise. Is my form wrong? Do I need to strengthen that hip? It didn't happen with my other side