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Glute Imbalance

Is there a way to correct a glute imbalance. I have noticed that on single glute exercises ( split squats, lunges, step ups, etc.) that I have more power and strength on one side. Will this effect my growth and is there a way to even them out.


Hey guys, I've been a college athlete now for the past few years. I get nagging injuries and soreness a lot and the athletic trainer's go-to is usually some form of ultrasound, buffing or scrapping. These make it feel good in the moment but do these actually help with muscle recovery, soreness, etc?

Supplement recs.

Since I’ve been listening to you guys, I've changed my thought on supplements (especially greens). What are your thoughts on collagen and if so what brands would you recommend.

Understanding training

I understand the importance of sticking to a training program, but I have a question regarding my leg day routine. Is it advisable to perform the same leg workouts on Mondays and Fridays while varying them on Wednesdays? For example, on Mondays, I incorporate hip thrusts and deadlifts, on Wednesdays I focus on smith machine squats and leg press, and on Fridays, I return to Monday's routine. I prefer this split to avoid fatigue from compound exercises. I typically do 4-5 exercises per session, aiming to distribute the workload evenly throughout the week. Would this approach be effective and safe?

Debunking Influencers Episodes

Could you consider revisiting the segment where you debunked advice from TikTok influencers? I really enjoyed those episodes and think they're valuable for educating your audience on what's credible. For example, you could tackle topics like "what I eat in a day" videos or debunking fitness myths like those who think walking as exercise is not good or the supposed dangers of certain fruits and my favorite those who give you exercises to focus on certain body parts like the Fupa ( I didn’t know what a Fupa was until that came in my feed). Your insights have helped me change my body composition and lose fat since I started listening nearly two years ago. Your 12-week full-body program has been especially beneficial. And I look forward to learning each week with you both. Thank you both for your expertise!