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Breathing Through Workouts

Hi chicos! Hope you are both doing great. Breathing thru workouts. Is there a science to it? Like when lifting heavy when do I inhale and exhale example: squats, deadlift, leg press etc?

Workout Split Help

I am currently lifting M (morning),T(evening), Th(evening), F(evening), with moderately strenuous Brazilian jiu jitsu practice before work on T, W, Th, Fri, while working 8 hours a day, M-F. In a couple of weeks I’m switching to 4, 10 hour days (on Th, F, Sat, Sun), so lifting after work just won’t really be an option anymore. Also, my commercial gym opens too late on Saturday and Sunday. Sooo - my current plan is to shift all of my heavy/compound/barbell-based lifts onto M, T, W, and then use Saturday to catch up on the accessories I missed. I’m thinking doing the push/pull/leg outline for M/T/W, and then some kind of full-body accessory work on Saturday. I don’t have any particular goals as far as fitness goes, but I’ve enjoyed the physical workload from being able to lift and do BJJ. I think the best option would be to count the sets/continue to track and just ensure I’m continuing to progress, right? Is there any real downside from hitting all those compound movements heavy 3 days in a row (as long as I’m actually able to recover in between days)? Thanks!

Tips on increasing grip strength

Hey guys! Do you have any tips on how to strengthen grip? I have a hard time reaching peak weight in exercises such as deadlifts because I cannot hold onto to the bar for more than a few reps. I use lifting straps, and while those help a little, I still struggle with hanging onto the bar.

Super set program?

Could you possibly create a program that has super sets? I sometimes only have 30 minutes to get my workout in. How would you make this program. I k ow you said antagonist muscles and such. But would your next program be created for those of us with super busy lives that want a kick ass workout? I train five times a week.

After the Deficit

Hi! I wanted to know what your recommended exit strategy (or an example) of how to eat/maintain your fat loss after a deficit phase?