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with Fitness Stuff (for normal people) Premium

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How do I train to do pull ups without assistance?


How many calories would you increase after hitting your goal weight to ensure you don't regain all the weight back plus more.

Program Updates

Have you ever or do you plan to make updates to your the current programs you offer? I am following the full body program (I love it!) and I want to make sure I'm not missing any updates by following my downloaded version. Thank you!

Cane Sugar Impact on Immune System Health

Hello, My brother-in-law, would classify himself as a "hard gainer". I've tried recommending ways to up his caloric intake, but he's continued to find it difficult to hit his calorie goal since he coaches and plays sports daily. I suggested he begin drinking regular gatorade sports drinks, but he stated cane sugar impacts could lower the immune system. I would imagine this only holds true in a poor overall diet, not from a good diet with a few sports drinks per day. Could you please help provide insight on this topic? Thanks!

Maintenance Volume

Do you have any tips to shift a workout plan towards maintenance volume? While I'm actively seeking to build muscle, I know that desire and time may not always exist in the future.