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Forever Chemicals

I keep hearing this term thrown around. What exactly are they? Any legitimacy to all of the concerns?

Bad knees, any alternative exercises?

Hello 👋🏼 Are there any effective exercises in alternative of squats? I know, squats are like a freakin powerhouse movement BUT My knees can barely handle a body weight squat lol. Whenever I try to add some weight they tend to feel as if the ligaments are going to shred and the next few days my knees hurt like a bitch. I have had issues with them for a while after so many years of sports. Sos I really want to grow my leg muscles thank you!


hi guys, can you go explain the lsRPE on the full body program more? i’m still a bit confused. i know there’s the suggested RPE for each movement, but do i adjust the lsRPE based on what i think the weight i have on is at, or do i grab weights that would match the suggested RPE instead?

training + menstrual cycle

any advice about training throughout a menstrual cycle? there’s been a lot of hype about cycle syncing recently, but i’m not really sure how effective it would be and how much it would affect my progress in the long run. thank you!

Lifting + Sports

Hi, guys! Always a fan—you made me so interested in this stuff I’m getting my CPT and SNS; thanks for the inspo. But I would love to hear your take on a lifting regimen while still actively doing a competitive sport, specifically a contact sport. While I’m just a master’s athlete competing in jiu jitsu, sometimes my 5-6 days of Jiu Jitsu plus the 4 days of resistance training feels like a lot. Is this an instance where the full body programming would be ideal? Can you talk about recovery, tiger balm, if athletic taping really helps, etc?