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Training Changes for Menstrual Cycle

Would love you hear your guys’ input on the science and benefit or not on the concept of changing their training specifically to match the phase of their menstrual cycle. I’ve seen other influencers and fitness professionals discuss that during certain phases you should avoiding lifting heavy, or that there is an optimal time to focus on cardio, etc. Thanks!

Cutting a workout for time

Curious what would be the recommendation when having to augment a workout for time. I’ve heard recommendations to abandon the last 1-2 exercises, cut sets overall, or decrease rest periods. Likely not a one size fits all suggestion but curious what your expertise or preference is.

Shortening the Duration of Full Body Program

I'm currently doing the high frequency 12-week full body program. I'm finding that with the restraints of the morning, the warm up takes too long when working in the 7-way hips. Generally, if time needs to be cut to get the reps in, should warm up, rest, or warm up sets be prioritized? Which should be cut if time needs to be saved?

Strong App Integration

Is there an easier way to access the programs like Strong or another app? Google Sheets seems to not be as intuitive when at the gym! Thank you!

Shoulder Press: Machine vs Dumbbells

Hi guys!! In my PPL split, I am doing shoulder exercises with a machine. I noticed I wasn’t progressing with the dumbbells, but am able to with the machine. Is this normal? Is one method of shoulder press better than the other? Thank you!