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Calorie Deficit

How long is it ok to be in a calorie deficit? Is there a certain timeframe you should transition to maintenance or is it dependent on the person? And if so, what are some signs your body would give you that it is time to take a break and move to a maintenance phase?


What's the best way to incorporate pylometric exercises into a strength building program?

Total volume for the week

In the full body split program, do the warm up sets count towards your total weekly volume?

I was ruh-nin

Would there be major downsides or positives to running in intervals instead of continuous? For example, instead of running 3km straight, doing it in 200m blocks with a 30 second break (or something like that) instead, with the 200m run still being steady, not necessarily sprints. I need to change things up to stay interested and at the moment straight running is a snooze fest for me. Running in intervals would spice things up a bit. There’s obviously the benefit of just keeping me interested, but is there any other pros or cons worth noting? Thanks!

Stacked app for full body…

Is it possible to use the stacked app for the full body training program or do you think it will be too much to input? I haven’t tried it yet but I used it for the PPL training program. Obviously I haven’t started the new program yet, but am this next week. Thanks!!