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Insulin resistance

Can you do an episode that explains this in details? What it is! How do we correct it? I found out with my blood panel that I was insulin resistance. She put me on certain things to help. I just need to understand why this happens. I am 44, 5”4 and 136 pounds. I am trying to do body recomp and I’m the last 8 months nothing has changed hence why I did the blood work.


Can you hinder your workout by supersetting too much or supersetting the wrong exercises? Often when I am short on time I superset exersices speed things up. Is it better to do this with exercises that work similar muscles or different muscles?

Exercise Order

How important is the exact order of exercises in a program? I go to a busy gym and often some equipment is not available when I need it. Some things like the bench press and dual cables are almost impossible to get. In the case I cannot access some necessary equipment, is it better switch around the order of the exercises to wait for the right equipment or substitute alternative exercises with more available equipment? (Substitute a dumbbell press for barbell bench press for example). I hope this makes sense! I am a new premium member and following your full body program - thank you so much for all the work you put into this!


Is glycerol beneficial for performance in the gym? Pros and cons with taking glycerol before training?

Pcos tips

Do you have any help for those of us who struggle with PCOS. It's a common diagnosis these days but very little actual help out there and very mixed info. I feel like I have done all the things and have been told all the things that you guys say aren't really things (over working out, under eating, that my metabolism is broken & to just reverse diet, that I'm doing too much cardio & creating too much cortisol... ) I feel like I consistently am at the gym 5-6 days a week & have been tracking food for the past 5 years & as I'm trying to do more weights & less cardio & mentally change I'm still fighting my body. I am not looking for medical advice (nobody really helps you once they diagnose you) but maybe tips that have helped other Pcos clients find success. I am like last weeks question where I have lost a lot of weight but it's slowly creeping back on despite doing all the things to be "healthy" and doing it "right" and I'm trying to find a happy place to live & not obsess. I don't look like I am as consistent as I am and it's hard to keep going without feeling results. I also love to hear that Tony is a type 1 & would love to hear how he's had success figuring that out because I have loved ones with type 1 that need to figure it out.