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sparkling Water… Good or bad?

I used to be addictive to Coca Cola. I would have six cans of coke a day. I knew I had to kick the habit and decided to do sparkling water. I need that sparkling feel. I found sparkling ICE different flavors and was hooked. Now my coach wants me to kick the habit and stick to just regular water which I do only when o workout or go for walks. The ICE sparkling water is zero sugar five calories and has vitamins. Is my coach right? She says is makes me bloated?

Hormonal Imbalances. Entering Peri menopause

You two might be too young to touch on this subject but I honestly wish I new about it earlier so that I could prepared for it. I hear a lot of women talking about hormone therapy? What exactly is that? For context, I am 44. I am fit but still working on losing body fat. I am trying to do body recomp and for months I have not been able to see changes. I did blood work and found out my estrogen levels were too high and progesterone too low. Other issues as well with the sec hormone and thyroid. My regular doctor said everything was okay. I knew it was not so I reached out to someone who specializes in women’s hormones. What is your take on hormones imbalances? Does it only affect us women going through peri menopause? I want to see changes in my body and want to correct the issues I have. My sleep has gotten better (except when I get hot flashes) I am paying close attention to my nutrition and I started the 12 week full body program! (Excited about that)

Coaches who confuse people! Demonizing food.

My old coach at the gym said I should not eat too many carbs and should avoid them in the morning. At this point and thanks to your podcast, I know better. But why do some coaches demonize carbs? At one point I remember listening to them and thinking they knew better. I typically eat oatmeal with 50 grams of strawberries and half a banana and scrambled eggs. He said my breakfast is too sugary and I won’t be able to lose body fat. Not gonna lie, his advice got into my head but I am trying to remember it is about a deficit and hitting my macros best I can specially my proteins. Thanks for the wonderful content that has made me more conscious and wiser on what nutrition should be really like.

RPE? So confused

Can you please explain what RPE is? I can’t open the link to the explanation. I am not sure I understand it.

Can bouldering count as strength training?

Hi Tony and Marianna :) loving the podcast, especially the recent body image and self-esteem episode. I'm currently cramming a lot into my weekly schedule, with bouldering on one day and a boxing cardio class the next day (purely for enjoyment). Still trying to figure out the best way to split up my training on the remaining days, mainly trying full body to allow for rest. My question is can I include the bouldering as a strength workout and how can I use it effectively alongside my weight training? Feels like the time on it takes away from a more effective gym split... can I do weights the day before ok?