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Eat better a miracle bagel, or total garbage? came out with a bagel that is 25g of protein, 38g of carb in a 170 calorie package. (you can find them in WholeFoods or online) Compared to the fraternal twin bagel that is carb-heavy, this seems amazing, but it is ~$3.50 a pop! Taste aside, how does the nutrition profile stack up compared to other protein sources in terms of quality? Worth it or a waste of money?

Meal Plan

Would you guys consider creating a basic meal plan for subscribers similar to the workout plans you've created?

Lymphatic drainage massage

I have recently heard about lymphatic drainage massages where the masseuse uses techniques to push toxins into your lymphatic system to flush them out making you look immediately thinner. Is this just another scam like a detox tea? Are there benefits to it?

A1 vs A2 beta-casein?

Hi! I was recently reading "This is Your Brain on Food" by Uma Naidoo, MD and saw that there are two main types of casein found in dairy- A1 and A2 (read on p. 105). Basically it was saying that A1 casein protein showed more negative effects (especially for ADHDers like me) compared to A2 casein protein. My question is: What is the difference between the two types of casein proteins? Is there a significant benefit of one over the other and how difficult is it to find while grocery shopping? Until this book, I had never heard of types of casein. For context, I do have ADHD. Thanks! I'm so excited to finally be a premium member!

Oura's Daytime Stress Monitor

Hey Tony! What do you think about Oura's new daytime stress monitoring feature?