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Pregnancy and Creatine

Hello!!! I know the both of you are huge supporters of creatine. I would love to hear both of your thoughts on creatine during pregnancy. My wife is pregnant, and I've read some articles on how creatine can be beneficial, but I'm horrible at reading actual research. If you guys have any views on this topic I'd love to hear it!

Pregnancy and Creatine

Hello!!! I know the both of you are huge supporters of creatine. I would love to hear both of your thoughts on creatine during pregnancy. My wife is pregnant, and I've read some articles on how creatine can be beneficial, but I'm horrible at reading actual research. If you guys have any views on this topic I'd love to hear it!

Powerlifting program

Have you guys thought of making a powerlifting style program? I’m wanting to potentially do a few meets next year and I don’t know exactly where to start. I’m familiar with progressive overload and those type of concepts to build strength in general, however when I look at power lifting regimes they seem to be like 5 sets with 2-5 reps per set. Is that a good way to go about it?

Forearm pain

Hey guys, love the podcast! I'm a pole dancer and I've noticed I'm having pain when doing what's called a bracket grip on the pole. I was wondering if you had any tips for strengthening wrist and forearms? It's a very specific move so I'm not sure if you guys need to do this the way I do ☺️

Calcium in sweat

Hello, I recently had blood work done with my PCP. And we found that I'm a little low in my calcium. I'm at an 8.5 where I need to be 8.7-10.5 (so not very low). I do track my minerals with Macrofactor and I do get a good amount of calcium from my food each day. I'm wondering if I would be sweating out any calcium I am having throughout the day. I'm very active and go hard in the gym, so I do sweat a lot. Should I start taking a calcium supplement such as Tums to help with my calcium intake and reserves. Thank you !