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PCOS training/dietary/supplement differences?

Love the show! Would love to hear your general thoughts on the topic of PCOS as well as how this may impact training/dietary/supplement differences? There is SO MUCH conflicting (and honestly predatory) information online about this topic and would like to sift through the BS with your help. PS- (personal extra question) could certain PCOS hormonal differences result in a more muscular “bulky” looking build with weight lifting than would be expected in women without PCOS? I know weightlifting is beneficial in PCOS and calorie surplus/deficit impact whether you’re “bulking” or “cutting” but I feel like the various challenges of PCOS naturally makes a “bulky” look a much more likely outcome. Wondering if I should incorporate more cardio to avoid accidentally “bulking”. Thanks for any advice you may have!

EMS suits, do they work?

I would love to hear more about these EMS suits. It seems like an expensive get-ripped-quick scheme... is there any legitimacy to them? What does the science say? and more importantly, how do you guys feel about them?


Hi, and thanks for the opportunity 🙏🏽☺️ Is it worth supplementing with DHEA for muscle gaining in recovery?

Yuka app / score

Have you seen this app? it is mentioned in the video below, but I would like your take on it!


How can you deal with anxiety about weight and/or body image?