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Hi, and thanks for the opportunity 🙏🏽☺️ Is it worth supplementing with DHEA for muscle gaining in recovery?

Yuka app / score

Have you seen this app? it is mentioned in the video below, but I would like your take on it!


How can you deal with anxiety about weight and/or body image?

How much water is too much?

I drink about 1.5 gallons of water a day. How concerned should I be about diluting or losing vitamins and minerals?


Can you explain what inflammation is, exactly? Obviously I understand inflammation in general, like if my knee is swollen but there are so many people on social media who talk about foods that "cause inflammation" or products that "heal inflammation" and I don't understand what they are referencing. Is there some sort of chronic inflammation that can affect our internal organs? What does chronic inflammation do? is inflammation really triggered by certain foods? In general, I just don't understand what they are talking about.