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Joint pain

I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and experience knee pain during leg extensions, leg curls, squats, and even machine glute kickbacks. I'd love to know if you guys have any advice on the best ways to strengthen the muscles around my knees while also not putting them at risk. This is something I've talked with my Rheumatologist about, to which she replied I can do any excersise. I was possibly even wondering if you guys knew of any studies done on joint pain/RA and lifting. I'm newer to the gym and have been going consistently, I'm determined to strengthen myself and work towards my goals! Any advice?

Pyramid sets- yay or nay?

Pyramid sets used to be "the thing" years back, but I never see them mentioned anymore. Have they gone out of style for any specific reason? When are they ideal or not? I've always used them for my compound lifts, but I'm wondering if that's an old habit I should switch up for better efficiency. Love y'all as always 🫶

Adjustments for petite builds, something to consider?

As a petite person (5'4 and under), I find it hard at times to see noticeable, physical changes in fat loss despite the fact I can see through tracking, a noticeable increase in strength. Most of the time, I attribute it to the fact that because of physical characteristics like my torso is literally the length of my hand, there aren't much places fat can be so to speak. There is a petite trainer online who claims that petite builds have a harder time burning fat because our organs and stature are smaller than non-petites (and of course, she has a program for people like me who she can help with this). Have you heard of this claim and what are your thoughts on it?

Training Muscle Imbalances

Hey there! How much do muscle imbalances matter, and should I wait to increase weight on one side of the other side can’t increase? So for example, my left arm is completely useless and I can barely preacher curl 10 lbs, but my right arm could curl 10 lbs for days on days. Also, what about muscles like biceps and triceps, is there any strength ratio to aim for? Thank you guys!

How does hormonal birth control affect training?

Hi there! I recently listened to your episode about female vs male training, (which by the way, you guys did such a fantastic job with that subject!) and it made me wonder about how hormonal birth control may impact training. I recently was diagnosed with a reproductive disorder that is often “treated” with BC, but I have noticed that there is a pretty significant difference in how I feel in my energy/appetite/endurance/etc. Thank you guys!