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Strength versus hypertrophy

Hi guys! I’m curious how you would change programming to aim more for hypertrophy than strength. Higher reps and more sets? More or less time under tension? No change?

MCT oil

Hey guys love the Pod I have learned to much from you both! My question is the benefits from MCT oil is it worth adding into a diet or no? Thank you!

I'm in a rut. What can I do?!

Hi! I have been in a rut the last couple of months and am looking for ways to 1. Get out of it and 2. Maintain muscle during this time. Is there a bare minimum I should be doing? For some background, I have been weight training for about 7 years but for the last couple of months I've been doing lagree once a week, tennis 1-2 times a week, and try to get random weight lifting about 3 times a week

PPL Warm Up

I have been doing PPL for some time, and I usually just do warm up sets at the beginning of my workout. For example, I'll do 3 warm up sets of a bench press and increase the weight each time. Should I continue this or is the warm ups that you all provide in the PPL Google sheet better?

Aloe Vera Juice

Any help with benefits to Aloe Vera Juice, as I'm seeing this pop up more often. More specifically to gut and digestion. Thanks!