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Training Muscle Imbalances

Hey there! How much do muscle imbalances matter, and should I wait to increase weight on one side of the other side can’t increase? So for example, my left arm is completely useless and I can barely preacher curl 10 lbs, but my right arm could curl 10 lbs for days on days. Also, what about muscles like biceps and triceps, is there any strength ratio to aim for? Thank you guys!

How does hormonal birth control affect training?

Hi there! I recently listened to your episode about female vs male training, (which by the way, you guys did such a fantastic job with that subject!) and it made me wonder about how hormonal birth control may impact training. I recently was diagnosed with a reproductive disorder that is often “treated” with BC, but I have noticed that there is a pretty significant difference in how I feel in my energy/appetite/endurance/etc. Thank you guys!

Steam room?

It's been lots of talk about ice baths and saunas, where does the steam room fit in? Any science proven benefits?

When is best to eat carbs?

I’ve always heard eating carbs before an intense activity will give you more energy (ie ‘pasta makes you run fasta’). Is there any truth to this? If so, when is the optimal time to have the carbs?


I know the greens powders and a lot of similar stuff is junk, but what about probiotics? There seems to be a lot of good research. Should I be taking one? If so, what kind and how much?