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Help with the workout Google sheet

Is there a warm-up for the upper body? I see 2 for lower. Also, I would love to watch the video about how much weight I should lift, but the link doesn't work.

Leg press

Would you consider leg press a staple compound movement for leg day?


Are these supplements worth it ? They are so expensive but the marketing pulls me in .. am I wasting my money ?

Extra skin

I weight 250 lbs and my goal weight is 150 I know I will have extra skin. Is there anything I can do to lessen it during my training and weight loss journey.

When is it beneficial to lower reps?

On the AMA posted June 16th, you briefly talked about how it could be beneficial to lower your reps on certain exercise if you have longer limbs. My limbs are only slightly longer than average so I do not think this applies to me, but I am curious if you could expand on when it is beneficial to drop reps. I feel like I can crush higher weight at 5-8 reps but on the same exercise struggle with higher reps at a lower weight. I just run out of fuel. Thanks! Love you guys!