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Trace Mineral Drops

Actor. Alan Richardson, posted a reel saying how amazing this was. On your last AMA you asked for more questions about specific supplements. Can you dive into Trace Mineral Drops?

Strengthening after injury

I have De Quervain's tenosynovitis(diagnosed 5 years ago), and I find it will randomly flare up. Is there any exercises that I can do to strengthen up around it to help prevent this? When it flares up I end up on steroids for a week or two and in a brace, but I hate the feeling of the steroids

Leg Soreness

I do a lower body workout 2 times a week. However, my legs get SO sore for about 5 days, so the second workout doesn't happen. I have tried reducing weight and reps but I still get sore. What should I do?

On Detoxes (the whole foods way)

Can I get your thoughts on the Kroma Wellness 5-day reset and the Sakara 5-day detox?

On Full Body Workouts

Hi, guys! Love the show—I often share your content on Insta. Love the mission. Lately, I’ve noticed a lot of full body workouts getting hate on social media, i.e. discounting a lunge to curl or thruster. While it’s obvious that your lower body is stronger than your upper (typically), can’t you still accomplish strength goals, fat loss, and hypertrophy with a full body workout routine?