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Fitness Apps

I have cycled between so many different fitness apps because for some reason I can’t get my shit together enough to create my own workouts. I have recently settled on and really like the ladder app because you have so many different program / “coach” options and they heavily emphasize progressive overload and the RPE scale, etc. Do you have any opinions on how “good” this app is? Am I better off just creating my own workouts?

BIA is inaccurate, but is it reliable?

You’ve covered a few times that BIA machines are not accurate gauges of BF%. For those of us who have access to BIA machines is there any evidence to suggest that they’re also not consistent? In other words, if you observe a trend over days/weeks of regular measurements (just like daily weigh ins), is it safe to conclude that there is a quantifiable change happening? Or are the machines so unreliable that even trends aren’t useful data points. Thanks in advance and love the work you’re all doing.

Core Strength

How can I strengthen my core? A six-pack isn't a goal, but I have noticed that my core is often the weakest link with many lifts and movements. So while I never try spot train, is there a way to strengthen my core directly?


What is Sinetrol and is it recommended for weight loss?

Soreness as an indicator of effort?

In a previous episode, Tony (I think) made a passing comment that muscle soreness and effort exerted don't necessarily line up, or that if you're not sore the next day, it doesn't mean you underperformed. Could you elaborate on this? It's been lurking around my brain ever since. I had always heard the mindset that soreness is basically your receipt for the work you did. Is it okay to not have ANY soreness/fatigue the next day?