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Progressive overload

I hear the term progressive overload everywhere, but what is it really? So that I can properly program for it?

Fat loss on many medications

I have no pituitary gland and thus on many meds. Doctors say I CAN'T lose weight. It's been a 90-degree uphill battle, but I'm making progress. What else can I do? I lift weights using an upper/lower split 4 days a week and 1-day cardio. Some of my meds increase hunger so in a deficit I'm constantly starving and I am a big guy.

Total body workout or switch each time?

I tend to work out every other day. Is it best to do a total body workout each time with a day of rest between? Or alternate upper/lower body with a day between? I care more about my lower body workouts and find when I do alternate, I want to do legs and glutes.

How do you determine what exercises to do for a strength training program?

What exercises to do during a leg, pull, push day. What determines which exercise you use over a different one? Besides just having access to to different equipment.

Adjusting workout for pregnancy

My husband and I are trying to conceive. Do I need to adjust my workout at this point? If I do get pregnant, what do I need to consider in terms of fitness? I want to stay as active as possible.