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Limited Equipment Workout Program

Hi! I only have access to limited equipment. This includes dumbbells, smith machine, and cable machine (no seats or anything like that). Would you be able to create a program for those who have limited equipment?

Eating my Wheaties

I just relistened to the 5 vitamins people tend to have a deficiency in and noticed that Frosted Mini Wheats are pretty high in Iron (9g per 60g serving). Is there any reason to believe this isn't accurate?

Late Night Snacking

Do y'all have any recommendations for curbing late-night snacking? I can stick to a calorie deficit or maintenance throughout the day but once it gets dark... there are no rules, and I just pig out. My diet is high in protein, fiber, sleep, and water so I think it's more a bad habit, but nothing seems to satisfy me. Any tips?

Pregnancy and Working Out

Hi!! I feel like there’s tons of information for and against working out while pregnant. I am newly pregnant w my first baby and workout 4-5 times a week between swimming and strength/resistance training at a local group fitness gym (like CrossFit mixed w Orange Theory). Some docs say “don’t lift heavy” while others give me the wishy washy “do what you feel.” Look, I’m just trying to have a healthy kid and not totally lose myself/health in this process. Are y’all able to shed any light? Nutrition and exercise included? I know this is a huge topic, but I’d love your insight. Hope y’all are having a fantastic day!

electrolyte powder

hello tony and marianna, how important is electrolyte powder for runners, lifters or even to bring during travel? and what ingredients to look for and/or avoid to find a good one? thank you