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Lifting 2 days a week?

I’m planning on working on strength and balance over the next few months, but realistically 2 days a week at the gym is probably all I can fit into my schedule. Will this be enough to build muscle? I’m pretty much a newbie, I’ve only lifted sporadically

How long should workouts be?

After juggling work and family time, I only have about 30 minutes to workout, is that long enough to be effective if I'm trying to lose weight?

Food sensitivity test?

I'm considering taking a food sensitivity test but I've been told they're inaccurate, is it worth trying? And what's the difference between a food sensitivity, intolerance, and allergy?

Soluble vs. insoluble fiber?

Once you've adjusted your diet to hit the recommended daily fiber intake, does the ratio of soluble to insoluble fiber matter?