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Decrease in strength as you age

Hello! I'm a 37 yr old female and I've been lifting weights for over a year now. I love it and I plan to do it the rest of my life. I was reading that even those who lift weights and get stronger can still have a decrease of strength with age. Is this true? I feel myself getting stronger all the time. And I love it. I don't want to lose my strength. Thank you

Busy with life home workout program?

I am loving your workout programs. I have done the full body and the upper/lower. However, I am a teacher, mom of 3 who are all in sports, and have a farm. I am really really busy and sometimes only have 15mins to do a workout, I try for 30mins a day. Could you make an at home program? Something that can be done with limited dumbbells and no machines or barbells?

Overeating and calories

So recently I ate over my calorie budget (definitely over my deficit and I think over my maintenance). I ended up eating ~3,000 calories one day. My RMR is 1650ish and it was a heavy/multiple workout type of day so it is theoretically possible that 3,000 was my maintenance for that day. I've been doing a deficit of 1700-1800 daily calories for a few weeks and I should also note that in my case, I am lean trying to get very lean as Mike Matthews says so hunger is real. I hope this is a safe question for Marianna but what do both of you recommend for dealing with days where you overshoot your calorie budget? What tricks have you personally found help to make you feel less guilty? This type of day has happened a couple times over the past few weeks so it is on ongoing issue (but not earth shattering according to the scale)

PPL powerlifting split

Hello! I've been actively working on muscle building for a year now. I want to switch to a more powerlifting split and stay with PPL for recovering purposes. I don't want to stop building muscle in the process though. How would I go about restructuring my program so I can get into powerlifting while building muscle? Thank you 😊

Aesthetics vs strength for women

Hi! In last week’s episode, Mariana mentioned that she was more comfortable now than she was when playing volleyball and more muscular. As a woman, I feel similarly-I like having muscle, but after a bulk and cut cycle I feel like I don’t want to put on any more size, especially in my upper body. However, I am struggling talking to my coach about this, as they always say that more muscle is better for health and I should always be increasing my lifts week to week. While I understand this, I just don’t want to be uncomfortable in sleeveless shirts or other clothing not made for women with muscle, and I like how I look right now. So, how do I train to stop putting on size, and how do I talk to my coach about this?