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Forearm pain

Hey guys, love the podcast! I'm a pole dancer and I've noticed I'm having pain when doing what's called a bracket grip on the pole. I was wondering if you had any tips for strengthening wrist and forearms? It's a very specific move so I'm not sure if you guys need to do this the way I do ☺️

Calcium in sweat

Hello, I recently had blood work done with my PCP. And we found that I'm a little low in my calcium. I'm at an 8.5 where I need to be 8.7-10.5 (so not very low). I do track my minerals with Macrofactor and I do get a good amount of calcium from my food each day. I'm wondering if I would be sweating out any calcium I am having throughout the day. I'm very active and go hard in the gym, so I do sweat a lot. Should I start taking a calcium supplement such as Tums to help with my calcium intake and reserves. Thank you !

Melatonin & testosterone

My buddy showed me a study that looked at the effects of melatonin on testosterone (mainly as a blocker). Have you guys heard of this and should this be something to be mindful of?

Walks after meals

You guys always talk about is getting a 10 min walk in after a meal which is a great idea and I’ve told everyone about when they claim they don’t have time to do a 30 min walk in the evening. My question is how long after you eat should you do the walk? Should it be immediate after you eat or is there a time frame that is best? I get an hour lunch and normally eat my lunch within 20 mins. The rest of the time im on my phone until 10 minutes before I have to go back so I do my walk.

Hiit Workouts

I am currently training 4 days a week, doing your upper-lower program. Should I incorporate HIIT one day a week for cardio?