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Oura's Daytime Stress Monitor

Hey Tony! What do you think about Oura's new daytime stress monitoring feature?

RPE range

I was a little late to the party but I’m halfway through the PPL program you guys put out. A lot of the lifts have rep ranges already (6-8, 8-12, etc), should I be using the low or high end while utilizing RPE? Example: 6-8 single arm rows 8 RPE. Should my max reps be 8 or 10?

Oura Ring

Hi there - I'm having a similar issue with the Oura ring discount - can you provide another link please? The site doesn't have a place for a code, just a gift card w/ pin

Glute Gains program mistake?

On day 5 Hamstring &Glutes, it says banded barbell hip thrust twice one for 8 reps and the second for 15 reps . Was that a mistake? If so what should be the two different exercises

Protein consumption

How much protein should someone really be consuming? You hear anything from .5 grams per pound of body weight to 1.5 grams. If you are consuming on the high end of that scale can it become bad for you long term, is there any negative heath consequence that could come up?