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Hypertrophy or strength?

Hey guys! Recently you talked about the difference between muscle size and strength, and how to train for those. Im wondering if when you/other professionals in the field talk about building muscle mass for longevity (and all the other wonderful benefits of muscle) or hanging on to as much of your muscle mass during a cut you are talking about size or strength? In other words longevity/higher bmr = hypertrophy? Or longevity/higher bmr = strength?

Best program for weight loss?

I’ve heard on social media or a podcast (can’t remember where exactly) that a full body training split is the best one for weight loss. Someone claimed you lose gains by only working a muscle once a week. I’ve been doing a PPL split for a long time now and wanting to change it up mainly for fat loss and muscle gain. Suggestions?

Workout Tracking

Hi there! I am looking for a good google sheet template for tracking my weight training workouts. I have found a lot of suggestions online for apps but I’d prefer something free. Thanks in advance!

Fish oil and probiotics

I loved your content on best magnesium supplements. I'd love advice on how to find a useful supplement for fish oil and prebiotics. There is just so much out there. I don't want to take something that is doing nothing.

I always read that you should eat your weight in protein, but when I used your protein calculator it was about 40 grams less than what I thought I should be eating. I understand it has to do with activity and body fat percentage. So I am just wondering if eating too much protein was helping me out