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Krill Oil vs Fish Oil

What are y’all’s thoughts on taking one over the other?

Tracking bone-in meat

When tracking food, if you’re cooking meat that has a bone (bone-in chicken, ribs, wings, etc), is the nutrition info based off just the edible part or everything including the bone?

Creatine supplement affecting BUN/Creatinine ratio

Is there concern with taking 5mg of creatine supplements if your BUN/Creatnine ratio exceeds the reference range?

Goal Tracking

What are your fav ways to track your goals? Do you have a journal or another way to mark things off?

Gym Anxiety?

Hey guys, any tips on working thru gym anxiety? I have crippling gym anxiety, to the point where if I pull in the parking lot and see too many cars I will literally just leave. Any tips on working thru this? Thanks and keep being awesome!