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Over Training

What is considered overtraining lifting? I can currently doing a six day PPL split. Is this too much? Does less training = more gains?

Low ROM high weight

What's up? I am experimenting with squats with very low ROM (maybe 1/6 squat) and heavy weight, as it mimicks certain situations in Rugby. Is there something to this or am I wasting my time?

Calculating calories as a short person

It seems every calories calculator gives people under 5’2 ridiculously low calories. It’s either in the 1200s or lower, yet we are told that this number is far too low to be healthy. So how should we go about it ?

How important is a mobility routine?

I currently do a lot of outdoor activities/sports (climbing, white water stuff, cycling etc) and lift twice a week. I’m in my 30’s now and and am seeing a limited range of movement compared to in my 20’s when I only did yoga 5 days a week. Will working in a mobility routine to my already busy and active life be worth it for my overall health? Where do I even start in building a routine and should I? I started following some mobility instagram people but not sure who actually has credentials and is worth it to follow?

Is Shilajit legit?

This supplement has made its rounds getting hyped by the bio hackers and I have a couple friends that are taking it. What exactly is it and is it worth the hype?